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I work in the Pastoral Care Department at St. Ann's Home. I was away when Tom died and genuinely surprised when I returned to work this past week and learned of his death. I visited him every week and we always had an exchange that left me a little lighter. His spirit was so gentle at this time in his life and his appreciation of all that was done for him so deep. I miss him already as I took communion and visited the 5th floor today. Rest in peace Tom!
Some people come into your life and leave footprints on your heart forever. Tom was one of those people, he was a mentor, and I am a better person for knowing him. I will keep the creative lessons you taught at St. Mark's going. I will also try to do better and take what life throws at me and handle it with grace. You modeled that so well.
Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord
And let perpetual light shine upon him
Rest in Peace ...
So I was a village kid and Tom Dowd was a village man . He lived in a woman’s house as a roomer a sweet old woman. Tom went to work everyday always smiling . Kids loved him . The smart ones took his chemistry class . I knew him differently I was attracted to letting him coach me in tennis . Between Al krotzand mr Dowd they taught and were there for kids thst wanted to play tennis . Oh how frustrated he got with us . What a sweet man a thoughtful man . A dedicated man . My success as a high school tennis player was totally his and Al krotz’s doing . I was an athletic nut . I only wanted to win . Check out the 74 75 boys tennis teams record ? Knowone has done thst since . There is a mural on the wall of the high school gymnasium does anybody really know what that is all about ? It is a testament to the ability of Tom Dowd taking a bunch of baseball players and converting them into tennis players ( Ricky Heffron , Glen Gurslinn) and other talented athletes Bill Lawson Akira Hara Dave Fay. The best was Jim Hutton. . We went 11 and 0 two years in a row beating pittsford and everybody else . Tom Dowd was the reason . We boys went out for tennis caus Tom Dowd embraced us boys as his own . What a legacy what a fun man . Hockey players have these same memories . What a leader what a great guy .
I got to know Tom when I started as a new football official. Tom was already a veteran official and a role model for me. You could tell he was a natural born teacher - he was knowledgeable, entertaining, encouraging, kind and enthusiastic.
As years passed, Tom was still always there with advice, encouragement and what was clearly genuine pride in the successes of fellow officials. I drew inspiration from his example and have tried to live up to the standards he set.
I've never run into anyone who has had anything to say about Tom except praise and affection. He was a great, great man and I will miss him.
Rest in Peace TD, your positive influence on this world is immense and I am glad to be a small part of it. Thanks for providing me with the wisdom to suceed in this world and the laughs I remember often.
I met Tom during my days as a football official. He was always there to assist new officials to develop their skills and to be a welcoming figure in the development of referee skills. Beyond that, he presented a calming confidence to all who knew him. Additionally, he was always quick with a quip in his understated manner. I will always fondly remember him.
TD.... It is with a very Heavy Heart to here that such a great man has left us. Tom was truly one of a kind, ever since high school we became such awesome friends. I was a hockey player when Hilton didn't have a hockey team and we had a lot in common. First time on a golf course was with him, His Passion for Hockey and the Buffalo Sabres was his favorite, every trip to Buffalo was a great one. I'm not sure what his love was with the mud but we sure did have a lot of laughs when we would go 4 wheeling and dared me to go into some area's and get stuck because he's the one that got muddy trying to push me out. He was a great mentor to me growing up and always such great guy and friend. Will always have the best memories of TD, My heart goes out to his family and all that knew him for the great man he was.
Rest in peace my friend.
Love ya
Rest in Peace Tom. I don´t think anyone who taught/worked with you in the high school, or had you as a teacher, will forget you. If you´re hanging out with Bruce K. say hello for me.
Margie Grasso Bower
TD will sure be missed by many. Hilton lost a fantastic teacher, coach, and the biggest fan of Hilton sports. We always enjoyed running into Tom at sporting events and were lucky to have had our son play hockey for him in Tom’s final year coaching Ice Hockey. We don’t think we’ve met a more intelligent, kind and truly funny person. Such a big influence on so many. Our deepest condolences to his family and friends.
Tom Dowd lived an exceptional life and was a real mensch to his students, his church, his community, his family, and his friends who became family. While he started out as our Chemistry Teacher, Dowd has been a cherished member of our family for more than thirty years; he was a wonderful companion to my mother. Understanding the family was down a couple of Grandfathers, Tom played the role and attended more soccer games, hockey games, volleyball games and dance recitals than you can count. When the whole family was going to be home together, he loved to make sure there was at least one special dinner..."What night are we doing dinner? I'll get the steaks." or "How about if I get lobster or crab?" Tom's kindness, sense of humor, spirituality, and patience with the raucous nonsense that always ensues in our home were a real blessing. And we are not unique, there are countless others thanking God for the gift that was T.D. He was special to so many people, and so many people were special to him. The dinner table may be a little empty without him, but our hearts will remain full when we remember his presence.
TD was a special person in so many lives. From teaching to sports he was always there for his students.
So many trips to Sabres games and having dinner at MT Bank Plaza.
The great WBBF Raft Race down the Genesee River in 1977, TD captained the US HORSEBALL!
GOD BLESS YOU TD, you will be missed.
Mr. Dowd was one of my favorite teachers by far; he made learning science easy and fun. I remember him fondly. Condolences to his family and friends for such a great loss.
T.D. Ohh the memories, & theirs are alot ! It all started in the early 80s when i meet T.D. They are the stories we still talk about today amongst other friends that are in T.D.s " Play book ". Busting your chops was always on his agenda & betting that you would get stuck in the mud puddle was always expected from him. I told him to buy a Ford but he didn't listen. I know someone (R.Y. ) has the picture of his stuck Chevy that he never wanted any one to see ! Well Tom, the cats out of the bag now . This is a tragic loss to an old dear friend. I will miss my annual Xmas cards from Tom as well as his humor & company. Rest in peace my friend, you will not be forgotten!
Saddened to hear about TD. I got to know Tom while officiating football. He was a great mentor in my early days on the football field. He was a good man. RIP TD
Tom Dowd, Great guy who helped alot of us out during the high school days. He will be missed. Rest in peace my friend.
TD. Was a close friend more than a teacher. He and my late husband, an eighteen year old student at the time would go to THE HOUSE OF BILLARDS in N. Greece once a week. They also were always up for shenanigans, they were the original wedding crashers, stopping at Country clubs during receptions filling a plate in the food line, toasting the happy couple! Judy I am so sorry for your loss know that Tom is happy, having a wonderful time probley playing pool with the Angels. Colleen Park
Mr. Dowd was truly one of the greatest mentors and teachers I ever had. I took AP chemistry my senior year so that I could have him as my teacher again. I had no aspirations of going to college nor the grades but he instilled upon me that "Knowledge is Power." He was right. He was one that invested in me and made learning a blast. I am very happy that I got the chance to thank him for all he did. He was truly special. I would not be where I am today without him. Thank you T.D.
Very saddened to hear of TD's passing. When I first moved to Rochester in 1983 Tom was the person who got me into officiating football and hockey and I am forever grateful for that. Over the years we developed a lasting friendship even after I moved to MD. TD and I officiated many football and hockey games together and I worked several Hilton hockey games when he was the head coach. TD took myself and my son to lots of Buffalo Sabre games when the Habs would come to town. Many great memories.
TD you were a great friend who had so much to offer to all. God bless you TD from the big M.
I can count on one hand the number of great mentors I have had, Tom was one of the best. He would pull together a group of newer teachers (including me) now and then to just go over how to approach teaching concepts in science. He was a great teacher and an even better man.
Entropy Rules
Knowledge is Power
As others have said....TD was probably my favorite teacher in High School. I had him for Regents Chemistry in '74 and the Regents exams were stolen that year so class grades were used...LOL. I always enjoyed chatting with him when I saw him at the Hilton Diner even tho he would look at me and say "Oh Jeez...." RIP TD....I will never forget you.
Mr. Dowd, we used to call him TD, was one of the most memorable teachers I had. He always took time to make sure you knew what kind of effort you were putting in. He pulled me aside after track sectionals and congratulated me when no else seemed to know. He even found and returned my dad’s lost high school ring which he found on the ice during a hockey game at the War Memorial. TD, thank you for just being a solid guy! Wouldn’t be who I am without the influence of great men like you!
I was a student of TD's in 1992 (Regents and AP Chemistry). I had lots of great teachers in High School, but TD stood out. He had many sayings, but I fondly recall ' knowledge is power' and warned us not to fall into the 'abyss of mediocrity'.
A true legend of Hilton High School. Someone who put an indelible stamp on countless people in the Hilton/Parma/ Greece area.
I will miss you, TD. Entropy still reigns supreme.
As a child when I asked my mom's cousin Tom what he did for a living he had me try to guess. The clue he gave me was that he worked at a school. 5-year-old me said, "You must be the bus driver!" Thus began a lifelong inside joke, with me addressing every correspondence to Tom, "Bus Driver," and his every Christmas card signoff to me, "Love, the Bus Driver." Although I saw Tom less as I grew up and moved away from the area, I looked forward to seeing him at least once a year at my Uncle Mike's cottage on Keuka Lake and always enjoyed our time together. Sending our family's warmest condolences to Judy and our extended family. Love, Jessica
My wife Bonnie Webster (Fogarty) and I had Tom as a teacher in 1970. What a great teacher and all around person. I am saddened to hear of his passing