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News & Events
Honorary Member of the Hilton Fire Department
Doug Sholette

Throughout my life, I have been involved in many different types of organizations - from political affiliations, Chamber of Commerce, Civic groups, Sportsman clubs, etc. This past Saturday evening, March 7, 2020, my wife Deanne Mann Sholette and I were invited to the Annual Hilton Volunteer Fire Department Banquet at Pomona at the Blue Barn.
As the current Fire Department Chief, Mike Lissow was at the podium giving out awards to his dedicated team of men and women. He started to mention that an award is given out on occasion to certain individuals in the community.
These are Chief Mike Lissow’s words:
“Honorary Membership, the Hilton Fire Department, by a vote of the membership, may grant Honorary Membership to an individual for deeds or acts that benefit the department. At a recent department business meeting, Doug Sholette‘s name was presented to the body for honorary membership and approved unanimously. Doug is from Burger Funeral Home and has worked very close over the years with the different fire chiefs. We have had many calling hours and funerals for department members and family members at Burger‘s and the working relationship is excellent. The attention to detail is well noted, whether it be a life member having a fire truck or chief’s car in the funeral procession or the fire department flag set up for calling hours. I remember when John Sweeney passed away and we were meeting with Burger‘s and our concern was having calling hours at the funeral home. Expecting a lot of people and not wanting them to stand outside in the cold weather, we recommended having calling hours at the fire hall. We had never done anything like this before, but Doug said ‘we can make it work.’ Because of Doug and the staff, we had calling hours in the fire hall, and they went extremely well. Doug, on behalf of the entire fire department, congratulations on becoming an Honorary Member.”
Words cannot express the feelings that overwhelmed me when he called my name. I am truly honored and will never forget this night.
I am proud to be a part of this amazing family!!!!!!!!!
Thank you all.
Doug and Deanne Sholette

The October 2018 issue of the Village of Hilton Newsletter featured an article on page 4 about the newly updated Village Clock. Thomas E. Burger Funeral Home was able to assist in the restoration. Doug Sholette participated in the ribbon cutting ceremony on Wednesday, August 8, 2018.
See the link to the Village of Hilton October issue of their newsletter.

The Thomas E. Burger Funeral Home and its staff are proud of our American Veterans and their selfless sense of duty to our country and its people. We honored them on Veterans' Day in November 2017 by sponsoring an ad released on WHAM radio commending our troops whether past or present. A certificate acknowledging this was received from the Community Awareness Campaign.
Thomas E. Burger - Citizen of the year 2009
The Village Board named Thomas Burger as Hilton’s Citizen of the Year in 2009.
Tom has been actively involved in serving the Hilton community for many years.
Many people know Tom for the very personal and caring service he provides as Owner and President of the Thomas E. Burger Funeral Home, Inc., located in the Village of Hilton. Tom is also known for the many hours he devotes in the Rotary Club, where he has received the “Paul Harris Fellowship Award”. The award is the highest honor a person can receive in the club, for exemplary “service above self”. Tom’s community involvement doesn’t end there. He is also active with the Masons, was the Chairperson of the Parma Bicentennial Committee and was the Town of Parma Historian for several years.
Tom has many ties with the old families of Hilton and Parma through his strong interest in genealogy.
Tom’s active involvement in the community and dedication to the service of others makes him worthy of the honor of Citizen of the Year. Congratulations Tom!