Karen, my sincere sympathy to you and your family on the passing of Larry...Anne Forberg
Larry was someone I admired from a distance. He was a quiet yet strong man, who certainly lived a purpose-driven life.
He was a pillar in our community, someone who was devoted to his family and loved his country. Similar to “Wilson” in “Home Improvement”, Larry had sound advice and often be the voice of reason. We would sometimes talk politics or he’d compliment my mother’s property when our paths crossed. He was very social if you had something interesting and new to share
I remember as a young man watching him jog through the neighborhood and sometimes playing soccer in his yard. He was physically fit and seemed to enjoy a variety of physical activities. Last year, when I was reconstructing our mailbox and post, he swung bye with his truck and told me how impressed he was with my work. He even lent me a drill to complete the task when mine ran out of power. I appreciated his feedback and valued his opinion on many things. He seemed to be self aware and keyed into his neighbors and larger community
I’d sometimes run into him at the drug store or wave while doing projects around the house. Funny, it’s often the little things that we miss about people, the kind “hello” and friendly smile that make us feel so connected to our neighbors.
I’ll miss him