So sorry for your loss! Tom and Jackie Spring. Winston- Salem NC
Gil was an important figure in my life back in our 20’s. We lived together and both transitioned from our single years to getting married and starting a family. Though our lives then moved in different directions I will always remember our time together. Most memorable was our makeshift band affectionately called Sympathy as that was required by our friends we played for. Him and Mike Kelly were accomplished musicians, not so much me. Gil taught me the basics of the bass guitar and we played many party’s for our friends, thanks to him I experienced what it was like to be on stage. Thanks friend I will always remember you.
RIP Wayne! Great friend and LMCS Alumnus of the Class of '73. Always with a fantastic smile and wonderful disposition. A sporty Manor Wildcat especially on the football field. Darting with the ball like greased lightning, slipping through tackles with ease. Fondest of many memories!
Prayers and strength for your loved ones. I'll see ya at the big campground when I see ya Wayne.
Remembering the first time I meet Gill with Ginger at a work dinner (my wife and ginger work together). This was some time ago, and we hit it off right away, that night we went clubbing, yes actually in a club dancing and everything. It was a time to remember and from there many camp trips and music playing and Gill was always a great encouragement to me to play more. I always looked forward to seeing Gill, and he easily put me in a better mood after setting up camp at times. Love you buddy. Will miss you for sure
Wayne, as I knew Gilbert, was a whole lot of fun back in our day in Manor
Kelli Green, Wesley, Wayne & me spent many hours jamming in his basement jam room. Mrs.Eller always checking in with her southern accent resonating, "Now,Wayne,make sure the girls get some cookies,etc "
We did a whole lot of laughing and singing.
Sure wish I could find those recordings we did back then.
Anyways, to his family, my deepest condolences. I could go on & on & on with memories of that magical magician with one heckuva' sense of humor to boot!
When you talk about being a little bit country & a little bit rock n'roll, you surely would have Wayne in mind!
Rest peacefully,Wayne ❤️
Erelene H.
So many memories to share. But I have 2 that will always be special to me. Shades learning the song Stand By Me for my ex husband’s and my anniversary, and them playing for my oldest daughter’s graduation party. Gil always knew how to make people laugh. Before I retired from Tops, Gil would come in either picking up a prescription or shopping, he always made a point to say hi to me with that fabulous smile of his.
So sorry to here about Wayne’s passing! Prayers to his family!
Gil and I went to college together and roommates when we started kodak. He was a very special fantastic person to be remembered fondly with music and cheerful personality. He will be missed dearly by all of us that knew him.
Ginger, Ian & Ryan,
I am so deeply sorry for your loss. Gil was a great guy. Remembering back to Ian and Valerie in high school as friends going to prom and Ginger and I cooking to see them from going to dinner. Gil was always taki g the pictures. Our heart goes out to you.
Jeff and I are so heartbroken for your family.Gill was a special guy loved by everyone.One of my favorite memories was when Gill would call me up to dance to him singing Folsom prison blues, he was the best Johnny and made me feel so special.❤️